
Saturday the Vintage Oasis welcomes “The Hydronauts”! They will play in the Palm Court during the day and be the opener for the Sound Minds Twist Party. Here’s a little info from their Facebook and Bandcamp pages.

From the shores of Old Cape Cod, The Hydronauts bring you the sound of the surf. The Hydronauts began in 2018 when guitarist Ed Desautels took up a challenge from a friend to write and demo a song a month. The result was an album’s worth of poorly recorded but promising instrumental surf numbers. A couple years later, Ed reunited with college buddy and multi-instrumentalist Glenn Sadin to do a proper recording using vintage analog equipment. Excited by the results, Desautels and Sadin exclaimed as one, “Say, kids! Let’s put on a show!” And so, they wrangled native Californian Michael Kirstein on bass. The Hydronauts’ mission statement? To bring the sound of the surf to Cape Cod and beyond. Everybody up!

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