What is a “Vintage Oasis”…?
The Greater Boston Vintage Society presents the first ever “Vintage Oasis” weekend. Bringing tropical warmth to the New England winter, we are your host for a fun vintage and tropical stay at the historic (and oh so kitschy) Sturbridge Host Hotel. Whether you are only into vintage clothing or a total Tiki aficionado, the Oasis has something for all.
GBVS: A history of exciting vintage events (Click to expand)
For over 10 years, the Greater Boston Vintage Society has brought New England unique and creative events that allow guests to live in another age. You’ll find photos on our website (www.bostonvintage.org) from an assortment of eras spanning the Roaring 20’s to 1980’s. One of our favorite themes is the imaginative mid-century tributes to tropical adventure often seen in tiki bars of past and present. The Vintage Oasis is here to give our guests a way to enjoy that more. As this is the first year of the Oasis, we can show you photos so far of the empty venue. However, here are some examples of past GBVS tropical adventures to give you an idea:
A weekend to escape from time, climate, and your normal life!
Located just over an hour from Boston, the hotel is a perfect fit for this adventure. Your stay starts off with an indoor pool “beach party”, then next morning, a top-shelf vintage market featuring wares from all periods. Throughout the day are classes, photo ops, performances in the palm court, and it all wraps up with a grand luau floor show and late-night concert in the ballroom!